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Danielle Miller

Hi! I am the face behind Nutrivation. I am a wife, and a mom to 3 beautiful children. I love being outside and working together as a family. I enjoy hiking, all things outdoors, creating delicious food in the kitchen, and reading a good book.

I started nutrition coaching back in 2018, working primarily with clients looking to lose weight and eating to perform well in the gym. In 2020 I had been battling anxiety for over 9 years and decided that I was going to do something about it. Instead of eating to perform I started eating to heal. Almost exactly at that time one of my children was dealing with severe allergies, crazy eczema, and unstable emotions. We cut out all inflammatory foods in our home and healed our guts, healed our minds, and healed our bodies! I have been hooked ever since.

Teaching families how to heal through nutrition is one of my greatest passions in life. I love teaching others about how much power we have to heal our bodies from so many common ailments. It truly is our malnutrition that is breaking our bodies apart, but nutrition that can build it back together!

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