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3 Easy Actions to Improve Your Health this Fall

Updated: Oct 16, 2023

Now that the cold weather has finally struck we are starting to see more cold and flu bugs coming into our homes. This time of year just comes with that baggage. Did you know that it's not "normal" to be sick for longer than 7-10 days? If our bodies immune systems are working properly, we should be symptom free after 10 days. In fact, if your immune system is working really well and being supported by additional nutrients, you can even expect to kick these nasty bugs by day 4 or day 5! But I'm not going to talk about supplements today (although they can be extremely helpful). I am going to address 3 other things we can do to improve our health this Fall season. Let's go!

  1. Open your windows: In the Fall/Winter we typically leave our doors shut and windows closed to keep the warm air inside. But did you know that the air in our home is being recirculated all day long? And without opening our windows or doors we never allow fresh air to come into our homes and the germy air isn't really able to escape. Pick a time during the day that you can open your windows for 15 minutes (I prefer the middle of the day when no one is home except me and I can just bundle up) to allow fresh air to come in and help rid your home of germs.

  2. Make time for friendship: Connection is a big part of our happiness and health. We tend to become homebodies in the cooler months and isolate ourselves from the rest of the world. As a consequence, we might find ourselves feeling more lonely and less motivated to do things. Find a friend who you can connect with on at least a weekly basis. Whether that be to go grab a bite to eat, talk about the current books you're reading, go walking together, make a home craft, have a bake day, you name it! Just do something with someone who you don't live with! I have personally created my own group of women who get together on a weekly (or almost weekly) basis and we do lunch together! It is so much fun and gives us all something fun and special to look forward to. I also feel more motivated to get dressed and ready for the day when I know I'm going to be meeting up with a bunch of my friends!

  3. Support your immune system with this yummy drink recipe: Golden Milk is a great treat but also a yummy way to support your immune system by adding herbs that help calm down inflammation and give your body added support to fight off germs. It's a win-win!

Golden Milk

8-12 oz organic milk (cow, coconut, almond)

1/2 tsp turmeric (the super food for anti-inflammatory properties and immune booster)

1/4 tsp cinnamon (anti-inflammatory)

1/8 tsp ginger (digestion support)

1-2 tsp honey (medicinal properties to help soothe a sore throat and increase immunity)

dash of black pepper (increase absorption of turmeric)

Directions: On the stove top or in a microwave, warm up milk to desired temperature. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Enjoy!

By incorporating these actions into your daily/weekly routine your bodies, minds, and spirits will thank you! I've noticed a significant difference in my health as I have incorporated these actions, among others, into my daily life.

Happy Fall!



P.S. Take my Learning Nutrition Class or sign up for my 12 Week Program to learn how you can better your health for the rest of your life! My Learning Nutrition Class covers the first 4 week of my 12 Week Program. It's taught in person, 2 hours long, and ONLY $50! Grab a friend and make it a fun Girls Night Out!

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