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5 Steps to Kill Candida Yeast That Work!

Candida yeast infection isn't uncommon among us. In fact, most of us know someone or are someone who is dealing with it. Candida yeast infection is a type of fungus that has grown in abundance in our bodies, typically in our guts, but can also be found in other areas of the body that are dark and moist.

Some common signs and symptoms of yeast overgrowth are are bloating and gas after meals, a white film on your tongue, eczema/psoriasis, vaginal fungus, and even anxiety or depression. Regardless of your symptoms, candida yeast can be treated and you can be relieved of the uncomfortableness that it causes you.

Here are 5 steps to take to kill candida yeast that actually work!

1. Reduce sugar consumption (in all forms).

Yeast feeds off of sugar. The more sugar you feed your, the harder it is to kill.

2. Back off on the carbs!

Grains, beans, corn, fruit (aside from berries and lemons and limes). Carbs turn into sugar as you digest them. You don't want to keep feeding the bad guys.

3. Address emotions

Unresolved emotions are toxic to the gut. Your body stores emotion in your gut and bladder. Learn how to address it!

4. Herbs

Using herbal supplements to naturally kill off yeast can be life changing!

5. Sleep

Our bodies need sleep to heal and recover. If you're not getting good quality sleep or enough sleep, our bodies will have a hard time working the way they should.

It's not impossible, it just takes time and effort!




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