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But Why?

It's not uncommon for people to show up to family events, parties, or even a friends house where there is a spread of delicious, yet less nutrition food presented before them. It's almost expected and even rude if we choose not to indulge ourselves in what they have laid out in front of us. Why is that? Why is it "normal" to have these types of food bombarding our lives and yet, those of us who are combating illnesses or disease are looked down upon as we kindly turn down the offer?

I'll be honest. I used to be one of those individuals who would get offended when people turned down my cooking. It almost made me feel sub-par to them. What was it about what I made that looked disgusting? Or did they just not trust what I made? Are they just picky eaters and not brave enough to taste just a small portion of my offerings? I just couldn’t quite understand their reasoning behind turning down food. Can any of you relate?

It has took me almost 30 years to realize that there is usually more to it than what I originally thought. So many of us are now struggling with leaky gut issues, autoimmune diseases, or mental illness that is strongly effected by what we eat. Which leads to many of us, today, avoiding specific foods or food groups just so we can feel our best!

Again and again I feel the strong urge to educate individuals on the importance of understanding our food and how what is in them effects our overall health. As you learn more about how what you're eating effects your overall health, you just might find that you too will decide to turn down certain foods at parties or bring your own dishes to events just so you know that there is something there that you can eat without worrying what is in it. And who knows, maybe you'll be the example that someone needs to encourage them to learn more about what is in their food that may be causing their body some harm or making it not function the way its meant to!

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