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Can Seasonal Allergies be Tamed with Food?

Now that Spring has "sprung" we are definitely going to start seeing more and more individuals gearing up for the horrible...seasonal allergies! I know far too many people who suffer from seasonal allergies. I, myself, have been a culprit over the years. But did you know that there are foods we can increase and decrease in our diets that will help lessen the effects of seasonal allergies? I know, mind BLOWN! Check out my list of the top foods I would decrease and increase to help reduce the effects of seasonal allergies:

Top 3 to decrease, or better yet, eliminate!

  1. Sugar! Anyone else shocked? Sugar drastically decreases our bodies immune system within the first 5 hours of consuming it. That's fine and all, except for the part where most of us are consuming it all. Day. LONG! That being said, this puts our immune systems out almost entirely 24/7, not being able to fight off any other toxin, virus, immune response that it needs to. Let's reduce the amount we're consuming. Better yet, let's focus more on getting it from REAL FOODS like honey, pure maple syrup, molasses, and fruits! We should not consume more than 24 grams of sugar a day! That's approximately 2 Tablespoons!

  2. Grains! Now I know what everyone is thinking when I say this. Grains aren't bad, however, if you're body is having a reaction to grass, wheat, flowers, etc., eating the very food that comes from these allergens is going to inflame your body even more! Reduce your exposure and you'll start to notice a huge difference! I promise.

  3. Dairy! Another controversial topic. I know. Dairy is a mucus stimulator. When our body starts to produce mucus we get more runny noses, sore throats, clogged ears, congestion, and then it starts to work up into our sinuses causing even further disruption. When we are experiencing seasonal allergies, what are our typical symptoms? Runny nose. Sore throat or mucus in our throats. Head congestion. Clogged ears. Head aches and head congestion. Are you beginning to see how this is all related?

Ok, so these are all good advice and all, but is there anything we can eat that will help us feel better during this season? ABSOLUTELY!

Here are my top 3 food recommendations of what to start adding more of into your diet to help reduce seasonal allergies!

  1. More vegetables! Another shocker?? Maybe not if you've been around long enough. Vegetables are full of fiber, micro nutrients and even spore probiotics (if we don't wash them to death). This fiber and micro nutrients help our bodies digest and absorb nutrients better, which in turn helps our bodies heal and fight off inflammation. Some vegetables to pay particular attention to would be beets, raw carrot peels (you saw that right), onions, and garlic! All of which are super foods and help your body detox, methylate, and fight off inflammation. Pretty cool huh?

  2. Raw Organic Local Honey! I know we've all seen this one before. But have you tried it? When we consume raw honey, it's not only great for helping introduce particles of plants into our diet that may be causing irritation to our bodies, but it also acts as a natural microbial helping kill bacteria that is far from wanted. In addition, it has some great medicinal properties that can help soothe sore throats!

  3. Morning Miracle! You may or may not have already heard me talking about this one on Instagram. Morning Miracle is a drink mix that is made from citric acid from citrus, apple cider vinegar, and purple butterbur. These ingredients work together to reduce mucus build up and help boost the immune system. Not to mention, it helps you drink more fluids which in turn helps your body flush out toxins and particles that your body isn't agreeing with. I even like giving this to my kids when they have colds! They love it! Use my code: nutrivation15 for 15% off!

Now, obviously there can be more at play when it comes to seasonal allergies, but time and time again, reducing inflammation in the body and giving it the support it needs to thrive will only help us. It's up to you to decide on what you're willing to do to help alleviate your seasonal allergy symptoms. And if you're wanting more help to hold your hand and walk you through changes you can make to feel your best consider setting up a FREE 30 minute consultation with me. You can click the link below or send me an email at!



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