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Chicken Enchilada Casserole

If you've been following my weekly recipes emails then you might know by now that my nutritious dinners aren't anything too extravagant. This meal is another super simple, delicious, and nutritious recipe! Most of us already have these ingredients in our fridge and pantry. This recipe is one of my favorites to take to friends and family who may need a meal post surgery, after having a baby, or just as a kind gesture. It takes literally 15 minutes to make and you just pop it in the oven and walk away! Here's what I did!

Chicken Enchilada Casserole

(makes a full 9X13 pan)

3 large chicken breast (or 3 - 15 oz cans of chicken, or 1/2 of a rotisserie chicken)

2 cups cooked rice

1/2 onion, diced

1 can organic refried beans

1 can organic enchilada sauce

1 cup organic sweet corn (frozen is my favorite)

Organic corn tortilla chips

Cheese (I like Tillamook cheese in a block, this way you eliminate the anti-caking agents that shredded cheese is coated in)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In a large mixing bowl mix together all ingredients except tortilla chips and cheese. Pour mixture into a 9X13 glass pan. Coat the top of your mixture with your tortilla chips and cheese (nacho style). Bake for 35-45 minutes, or until the mixture is heated through. Serve with fresh salsa, guacamole, sour cream/plain greek yogurt, cilantro, limes, you name it!

Here's some fun swaps you can do.

  • Instead of rice, you can swap it out for quinoa or even cauliflower rice. If you do cauliflower rice, be sure to make the mixture more on the dry side (add less enchilada sauce) as it will make your mixture more runny as it cooks.

  • If you don't have enchilada sauce, you can use any kind of salsa as a replacement and that also always turns out yummy!

  • Try adding chopped up spinach to the mix to add more veggies to this dish.

Let's talk about tortilla chips for a minute.

Tortilla chips are a must in our house. We love them plain, with salsa and guacamole, turning them into nachos, you get the idea. However, corn is one of the largest crops sprayed with Roundup. One of the main ingredients in Roundup is glyphosate. Glyphosate is a chemical made to kill! It kills weeds and pests, but when ingested, it kills bad AND good bacteria in our guts! This can lead to an insurmountable amount of health issues BECAUSE it is damaging our gut lining. Allergies, skin issues, anxiety, depression, weight gain, high blood pressure, hormone imbalances, sleep problems, and more!

That being said, when buying tortilla chips, I always opt for organic! Better yet, if you can find a brand that sells organic tortilla chips that are cooked in non-inflammatory oils, that's even better! We like Xochitl as it's cooked in palm oil (much better than sunflower oil, canola oils, vegetable oils). Or, we also love Siete Foods Tortilla chips made with cassava flour and coconut oil.

Chips can be a little tricky to find completely free of inflammatory ingredients. But if you take the time to look at your local grocery store, I am sure that you will find a BETTER option than your standard tortilla chips!

Learning about food ingredients that serve your body or do more harm than good can be overwhelming and confusing. This is why I created Nutrivation's Intro To Learning Nutrition 4 week course! This course was created to teach you exactly how to identify which foods will help you feel your best and ultimately lead you to better gut health! And we all know that the world we live in bombards us with foods that are less than ideal for optimal gut health. You can check out the course here!

I always love hearing from you how you like my recipes! You can tag me on IG @nutri_vation or respond to this email!

Happy Cooking!



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