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Creamy Potato Salad

It's the week of the 4th of July and we all know what that means! Family BBQ's that will most likely consist of our favorited grilled meats, burgers, veggie trays, and, you guessed it, potato salads! I don't know about you, but when it comes to potato salads I am very particular on how they are made. If they have pickles or are made with Miracle Whip then count me out! YUCK! I cannot handle those two ingredients in a potato salad, and there's nothing you can do or say to change my mind.

A couple of weeks back, my sister-in-law made this amazing potato salad and I knew I had to re-make it. Granted, how she made it was already clean and full of great ingredients, but you know how I like to re-vamp things and make them just a little bit better. So here's what I did!

Creamy Potato Salad

3 lbs red or yellow potatoes cubed in 1" cubes

2 stalks of celery diced

1 small red onion minced (approx. 1/2 cup)

1 c avocado mayo

1 Tbls organic mustard

1-2 Tbls apple cider vinegar

1/2 lemon, juiced

1/4 fresh dill or 1 Tbls dried dill

Salt and pepper to taste

*optional add-ins:

6 hard boiled eggs

diced organic, bacon bits


Put potatoes in a large pot with enough water to cover them. Bring water to a boil and cover. Cook until potatoes are tender when pierced with a fork. Drain the potatoes and let them cool.

Dice up your celery and onion and add to your potatoes. Mix in mayo, mustard, vinegar, and lemon juice. If using fresh dill, chop into fine pieces. Mix in dill and salt and pepper to taste. I like to add in eggs for more protein and flavor!

We're going back to the basics today with this recipe. Mayo and mustard are huge players in this recipe and often purchased without even thinking about what's actually inside. Did you know that if you aren't buying organic mustard, your mustard will most likely contain yellow dye and/or natural flavors (which are more often than not, man-made chemicals) in it? Yellow dye has been linked to ADHD, ADD, and other brain health issues. Not to mention that it is highly inflammatory and may even be carcinogenic. YIKES! Making the simple swap to buying organic mustard is easy and only pennies (if that) of a difference in price.

Mayo, or mayonnaise, when buying traditional brands like Best Foods, Kraft, Hellmanns, and Blue Plate, you will find ingredients such as: soybean oil, natural flavors, sugar, and other inflammatory ingredients that don't necessarily need to be in our foods. Swapping to a brand like Primal Kitchen's mayo gives you a list of ingredients that is nourishing to your body. Ingredients: Avocado Oil, Organic Eggs, Organic Egg Yolks, Organic Vinegar, Sea Salt, Organic Rosemary Extract.

Buying organic mayo might be a little bit of a price adjustment, BUT, to spend a little more money on a condiment that is nourishing to my body is totally worth it in my opinion! Plus, keep an eye out at Costco, theirs will go on sale occasionally and it's a steal! That's when I like to buy my supply for the year!

When using condiments as frequently as we do, it's worth taking the time to get to know what's in the ingredients list. Little by little, these changes will make a big difference in our overall health!

Happy cooking!




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