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Summer Sun Must-Haves

It's that time of year where we're gearing up for lots of time out in our yards, at the pool, and outdoor exploring. You all know what this means! SUN!

Our bodies were made to be outside and in the sun, so sunshine shouldn't be something to be afraid of. When it comes to protecting our skin, our bodies largest organ, there's actually a lot we can do to help it stay healthy just through what we eat and drink!


Drinking enough water each day is important to help our bodies flush out toxins and to stay hydrated. If your skin is struggling to stay soft and hydrated, take a second and think about how much water you consume in a day. At minimum, we should be drinking 60 oz of water a day! If you find that you are retaining water really easily, sweating excessively, developing muscle cramps, or constantly thirsty, try adding some minerals to your water. My favorite ways to do this is by adding citrus slices and a dash of sea salt to my water. Another option is to use Redmond's Re-lyte Hydration drink mix! The ingredients are clean and all serve a purpose in helping our bodies stay hydrated: sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, coconut water. (I'm not affiliated in any way, I just love this product!)


Eating foods high in antioxidants is vital to having good, healthy skin! Antioxidants help protect the body from free radical damage (ultimately oxidative stress). Antioxidants bind to these free radicals that grossly effect our skin, blood, muscles, and neutralizes that toxic molecule. We get antioxidants from fresh fruits and vegetables, specifically the more colorful ones like berries, dark green leafy vegetables, beets and carrots, and citrus. Just think, the more vibrant and colorful the fruit or vegetable is, the better!

Supporting our skin through proper hydration and consuming enough antioxidants will help drastically with our increased exposure to the sun. And just like fueling our bodies with these things, applying proper hydration and antioxidants to our skin and allowing it to absorb these nutrients topically is just as important!

Nutrivation's skin care products are perfect for the job! While all of Nutrivation's skin care products were designed to help the skin heal quicker and provide lasting nourishment and hydration, the Face Serum and Soothing Balm are going to be prime products for protecting the skin and giving it the support it needs to heal after a long day in the sun.

Nutrivation's Face Serum is rich in vitamin E from the jojoba oil, which provides hydration at a cellular level. Frankincense, and copaiba protect against inflammation while the pomegranate oil protects the skin from UVB-induced damage, which supports the skin's collage, helping your skin look more youthful longer!

Nutrivation's Soothing Balm contains jojoba oil, shea butter, beeswax, aloe vera, and tea tree oil. Jojoba for the high levels of vitamin E, shea butter for hydration, beeswax locks in moisture and is anti-inflammatory, aloe vera soothes burns while also speeding up your skins healing process, and tea tree oil is an anti-septic, protecting the skin from any germs that could potentially penetrate through your burn.

Shop the link above to get your skin ready for all of the fun in the sun you plan on having this summer! Your skin will never feel better and there will be no need to wonder if your aloe vera gel is non-toxic and free of ingredients that your body doesn't need to absorb! I've poured my heart and soul into these to bring you the best of the best in your daily skin care needs.




Keep an eye out for my next email where I'll be giving you my favorite sun screens that are non-toxic and perfect for all skin types!

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