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Sunlight Healing: 3 FREE Simple Tools to Improve Overall Health

Sunlight may be one of the most under utilized tools to help our bodies obtain optimal health and healing. For the past 8 months I have taken a deep dive into learning about the benefits of sunlight and how it can improve our overall health. It's been fascinating to understand how healing sunlight is but also disheartening to see that individuals, such as myself, need to understand the importance of daily sunlight exposure to help balance our hormones, improve sleep, increase muscle and tissue repair, and stimulate and improve mitochondrial health.

Humans were meant to be outside in nature. With all the luxuries of life we get to enjoy now, far too many individuals spend most of their days indoors, hardly getting any direct sunlight exposure. It's no wonder so many individuals struggle with hormone health, weight gain, poor sleep, mental health disorders, and chronic inflammation. Let me share with you just 3 FREE simple tools you can easily implement each day to improve your overall health.

  1. Before looking at any screen or turning on any house lights, go outside and watch the sunrise, (this still works on overcast days) with the naked eye, for a minimum of 5 minutes, each day. Morning sun is emits the most RED Light. This red light sends a signal to the brain that it's time to start ramping up cortisol production and get's the body ready to move!

  2. Take light breaks. If you're one that spends most of your days indoor, set a timer for every hour or every 2 hours to go outside and step into the sunlight. Exposure to sunlight throughout the day will help balance your body's circadian rhythm, drastically improving, not only your sleep, but also improving your overall hormone health!

  3. Reduce artificial blue light exposure before sunrise and after sunset by either utilizing blue light blocking glasses, avoiding screens, or turning on minimal lights in the home. You can even go to the extremes of buying blue light free light bulbs to put in lamps or light fixtures, turning only those on when it's dark. Blue light is naturally found in sunlight, but is most abundant when the sun is at it's peak. High levels of artificial blue light exposure will throw the body's circadian rhythm off and in turn throw off your hormones.

To be honest, as I have consistently tried to utilize each of these tools as much as possible, I have seen incredible results with my overall health. For the first time in as along as I can remember, my body is waking up on it's own at sunrise!! (I have ALWAYS needed an alarm to wake me up.) My menstrual cycle is incredibly consistent. Best of all, as I've been working on improving my circadian rhythm, I've seen drastic changes in my energy levels, less food cravings, and have noticed that my body is way better at letting me know when I've had enough to eat! (Yes, this is all part of balancing our circadian rhythm!) Can you believe that all of this can come from sunlight?

As I work to improve my body's overall health I have invested in some high quality blue light blocking glasses and a Red Light Therapy LUMEBOX. Do I think these tools are necessary to see these changes? Absolutely not. But I do feel that utilizing these "tools" can be helpful in speeding up the process and also help prevent setbacks in overall healing.

I hope you find all of this information helpful as you work towards improving your overall health and healing!

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