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Sushi Cups

I love sushi! It is seriously one of my most favorite things to eat. Not until recently was I able to convince my husband to love it as well! So now that we're both on board with eating sushi we've been wanting to go out and eat it more often. However, the last two times we ate sushi it left me with major brain fog and an upset stomach. I was so disappointed. I later found out that most sushi sauces contain gluten in them! WHAT??? Since then I have been afraid to go back and am now hoping that these sushi cups will make a great replacement.

I feel like sushi, for the most part, has great ingredients. And if you're getting it from high quality places then you shouldn't have to worry about what's in it typically. Since the sauce is a big issue for me and the likelihood of cross contamination, making it from home is always a much safer bet. Ultimately I'd love to get on board with making rolled sushi, but this will be a perfect alternate and easier option! (Plus, my hubby isn't too great with chopsticks so this was a much higher preferred way of eating it.)

My original recipe inspiration is from:

These are the ingredients she listed to make her sushi cups. I will go more into detail on what I did for mine!

  • 1 cup of cooked rice I like jasmine rice but sushi rice or short grain also work

  • 1-2 teaspoons seasoned rice vinegar I add it to the rice

  • 2 sheets of nori cut into 3.5-inch squares

  • 1 piece of skinless salmon mine was 0.245kg

  • tiny pinch of salt

  • ½-1 tablespoon soy sauce or tamari I used coconut aminos

  • heaping tablespoon spicy mayo use just mayo if you don’t like spice

  • extra spicy mayo + chives for garnish

My Recipe

Sushi Cups

Servings: 2

1 cup cooked sushi rice

nori sheets

8 oz wild caught salmon, cubed

1/4 lb wild caught shrimp, diced

1 Tbsp avocado mayo (spicy mayo recipe below)

Top with:

coconut aminos



everything bagel seasoning

fresh lemon slices

fresh grated ginger

Start the morning of by placing 1 cup of rice in 4-6 cups of purified water. What this does is it helps excrete arsenic out of the rice, in which rice is typically high in due to the nature of how it's grown and where it's grown. I say purified water because, believe it or not, a lot of us have tap water that contains high levels of arsenic in them (along with other toxins). It's important to know what's in your drinking water and get a water filter that can filter those harmful toxins out. The EWG is a great resource to check the contamination of your tap water. You can do your own research by clicking this button.

Next, any salmon will do, but to get the best salmon that our bodies will benefit from most stick with wild caught. Anything farm raised will often times contain dyes and other contaminants that make the salmon look more pink and are depleted of natures nutrients. Not only that, but farm raised salmon are fed a diet that will increase their body fat and make them larger quicker (sound familiar?). Wild caught salmon contain higher levels of natural minerals. Salmon contains high levels of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which are so important for our brain, heart, and tissue health!

Shrimp is in the same boat as salmon as far as purchasing wild caught or farm raised. Wild caught will always be best because these animals will be eating nutrients they need to survive, as opposed to being fed nutrients they need to grow fast and big to be ready to harvest. Shrimp is very high in protein, iodine, and selenium, which is great for helping the thyroid function properly.

Mayo is a little bit of a controversial topic. I know many people who are very particular when it comes to "their mayo". I'm not a huge fan of it, so I am not picky at all. However, primal kitchen's avocado mayo is by far my most favorite when it comes to cleanliness! It contains no hydrogenated oils, sugar or preservatives. In my honest opinion, after you stop eating hydrogenated oils and sugar in everything, other foods, such as this mayo, start to taste better than the other stuff that's not so great for you!


Cook rice according to packaged directions. You can use any rice really, but I figured I may as well use sushi rice to see how much it tastes like real sushi! Once the rice is cooked, set it aside.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

Next in a bowl mix together salmon and mayo. If topping with shrimp you can do this as well or just leave it as is.

Cut the nori into 6 equal sized squares. Add a tablespoon of rice and press it down. Allow it to sit for a minute, softening the nori so you can place it in the muffin tin. Once soften, place each nori square into the muffin tin. Top with salmon and shrimp. Place in oven for 15 minutes. Option to broil for another minute at the end to crisp up the tops of the salmon and shrimp.

Take sushi out and garnish with toppings: avocado, cucumber, ginger, lemon, jalapeno, everything bagel seasoning, coconut aminos.

Spicy Mayo:

1 TBLS Mayo

Red pepper flakes

Mix these two ingredients together and let "marinade" for 20 minutes or so! Serve on top of sushi!

I'm excited for you to try this recipe out! It takes the art out of sushi making and makes it a little easier for us beginners to enjoy the same grate flavor in a different vessel!




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