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Thanksgiving Swaps for Less Inflammatory and More Nutrition!

Thanksgiving is one of my most favorite holidays! I love the company and LOVE the food! Since being on a healing journey I have had to tweak recipes to work for what my body could currently tolerate. Some foods just trigger my body in ways I'd rather it not...if you know what I mean. :) The fun thing about all of this re-navigating is that it has led me to find simple swaps for common used foods that are more nutritious and less inflammatory. These more nutritious swaps can be found at almost every grocery store and are fairly inexpensive to change. Let me show you what they are!

Obviously these are just a few items we can change in our pantries that have more nutritional value, but we each have to start somewhere right? Pick one of these 4 common used items and swap them out for a healthier option, then soon your whole pantry and fridge will be filled with less inflammatory and more nutritionally dense foods! Just by making one change, it will set you in the right direction for better health and healing!

Happy Thanksgiving!


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