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The Role Genetics Play In Your Health

In today's world we are often taught that our quality of health is usually predicted by our genetics first, then follows lifestyle factors. But did you know that genetics actually play very little role in predicting our health?

I had anxiety as a child and thought that it was because both of my parents had dealt with. I figured it was "genetic". After dealing with it for a few years it just went away. I thought that I was just lucky and that it wouldn't come back. But as a young adult, it came back with vengeance and I was terrified! I couldn't understand why it was so bad when my parent's anxiety wasn't as bad as mine. My mom ended up getting on an antianxiety medication for a time, but ultimately they both told me they just learned to cope with it. This was going to be me, I just knew that I would have to deal with anxiety my whole life.

After accepting my new life, I started to second guess everything I had heard about how our genetics define our health, and how some diseases just happen for no reason. Granted, I do believe that some things happen to our bodies that are just beyond any explanation, however, for the most part, I do believe we have control over our overall health.

I took a deep nose dive into learning about how our overall health is drastically effected by our lifestyle: food, products in our homes, activity level, social connection, stress levels and how we combat them, love from family and friends. Once I opened up that can of worms I started to see patterns in disease that could often be healed or addressed by improving our lifestyle.

Here are some of the common themes I found:

Remove inflammatory foods

Remove processed foods

Remove chemicals that are toxic (manmade)

Increase activity

Increase whole food consumption

Increase time spent outside in nature

And the list goes on and on...

So why is it that our lives are so consumed by all of the things we should remove? And why is it so hard to remove them and replace them with what's best for our bodies?

I believe we all get so connected to our food and the way we live that we're scared to change it. When we change the way we eat and the way we live it's almost as if a part of us gets lost. These changes can be scary, but what can be more scary is what would happen to our bodies if we don't make these positive changes.

Just think, if 5 years from now you go to the doctor and find out you've been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, heart disease, or liver disease but heard that if you had made changes X, Y, and Z 5 years ago that you wouldn't be to this point. Wouldn't you wish that you would have made those changes then?

My whole purpose of starting my business was to start teaching people like you, who want to feel better, look better, and think better, that we can do our bodies and minds so much good just by improving the foods we eat and products we put on our bodies or use in our homes.

In one week from now I will have my next Learning Nutrition Class. Come learn how nutrition effects our bodies and how, just by making small and simple changes, our health can improve drastically!




Have you heard?? I now am selling my all natural, organic skin care products! Available for shipping AND location pickups!

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