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Top 5 Tools for Sickness this Winter

Winter has hit full force!

Anyone else feel like this year's winter sickness is out to get us? Despite our best efforts, my family keeps getting every little sickness there is around and it's literally exhausting me in every way! 


With so many illnesses around us, I figured I'd share with you a few of my favorite tools to have around for this time of year.


Morning Sun

Most of us “hibernate” in the winter time and hardly every go outside longer than is needed to walk from our cars to indoors. Just 5 minutes outside during sunrise can help reduce inflammation in our bodies and help balance out our hormones, supporting our bodies in their ability to heal! 



Getting enough electrolytes from minerals is important to helping our bodies stay hydrated. These minerals help prevent muscle cramping and relaxation. One of my favorite ways to get more electrolytes is from drinking Morning Miracle. My whole family loves it too!



Sleep is just as important for adults to feel better as it is for kids! Men should go to bed between 10:00-11:00pm and wake up around 6:00am, while women should go to bed between 9:00-10:00, and wake up around 7:00am. Our bodies cannot heal well if we're not giving them vital rest!



Detoxing is something our bodies do naturally through breathing, sweating, urinating, and bowel movements. Since very little movement is done while resting to feel better,  I like to incorporate hot Epsom Salt baths to help our bodies sweat and detox better. 


High Quality Meals

It is so important for us to fuel our bodies with whole foods, especially when sick. I love having Just Meats packages at the ready in my freezer. It keeps me from being tempted to buy take-out and motivates me to make a healthy meal for my family by making meal prep so simple and quick! Ready in under 5 minutes, you can have high quality meats on your table with no stress and little clean up! 

I hope these tools help you and your family continue to stay healthy this winter season!




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