Welcome to my Nutrivation Blog!
The Match that Lit the Fire
Hello, and welcome to my blog! I always knew I wanted to start blogging but I wasn't sure how or even when to begin. Writing is something I enjoy as I feel it helps me connect with my true inner-self. So read along, if you would like, and let me know what you think!
The actual idea of Nutrivation began in 2019, when my sister and I decided to start an Instagram page documenting nutrition and exercises that we felt could help educate our friends and family on simple and easy ways to become healthier. After a little while things simmered down and life happened and we slowly stopped posting. Then, in January of 2021, I decided to bring Nutrivation back to life! This time I am on my own. It has since grown into my nutrition coaching business!
The name Nutrivation comes from the two words, Nutrition and Motivation! My goal in this business is to teach people about the value of good nutrition and how fueling our bodies in such a way can help motivate us to do better, feel better, and be better!
In 2011, just a few months after my husband and I got married, I went through one of the hardest, darkest times of my life. I experiences debilitating anxiety and depression. I was in such a dark place that I wasn't sure how I would ever get out and find the light again. Through a series of divine intervention, lots of prayers, and honestly, just putting one foot in front of another, I finally decided to seek medical help. The help I received was in a 15 minute doctors appointment, 1 year after I had started experiencing anxiety/depression. No answers were given as to why I was experiencing this, other than it just sometimes happens to people and we don't know why or how long it will last. I walked away with a prescription and figured I would be taking this medication for the rest of my life. But at that point, I was just grateful to have received some help.
Becoming a Nutrition Coach
Between 2011 and 2018 I had found Crossfit to be my saving grace when it came to controlling stress and anxiety. I worked hard at it and went faithfully 5 days a week for years. Somehow, I still hadn't seen my 6 pack abs that I always wanted. I was stronger than ever, was super consistent, and I felt like I was eating pretty well, but I still couldn't see those highly desired abs. I even became a certified Crossfit Coach (in 2013) and thought I knew it all!
Fast forward to 2018, I had just had my second baby and was feeling super motivated to lose all of my baby weight. I decided to work with a friend, who was also a Crossfit Coach AND a nutrition coach. She introduced me to something that I never thought would make a huge impact on me, but it did, and it's led me to where I am today...VEGETABLES AND LOTS OF PROTEIN!
I know, I know, we all know vegetables are good for us and that we should eat them, but I had NO IDEA how much we should be giving to our bodies every day! I was blown away! I literally ate maybe 1/8th of the recommended amount of veggies I should have been eating each day. It was nuts! I have always enjoyed eating protein, but after working with her, I had no idea how much protein my body really needed to thrive. Why was this something I was just learning? Once I started adding more veggies and protein to my meals I started noticing things that I didn't expect to change at all. My skin became more clear, my mind more sharp, less mood swings, and more energy. For the first time in 2 1/2 years I lost all of my baby weight! I was making huge progress!
Adjusting my nutrition opened a whole new world for me in the fitness industry. I started realizing how much of what we do in the kitchen effects our overall performance. I am not just referring to the gym, I mean at work, at school, our sleep, in the bedroom, the whole 9 yards! I was inspired and quickly enrolled to become a certified nutrition coach as well!
Incorporating the Holistic Approach
Over time I came across some Instagram pages (social media has it's perks) that some friends recommended I should follow. These pages taught me about cleaner eating, removing toxins, and the importance of reading food labels. It wasn't long before I dove into the holistic side of healing and nutrition. In 2020 I decided to put my hard work to the test and got off my anxiety medication that I had been on for 9+ years! It had worked! I have proudly been off of it since and have been able to control my anxiety levels very well by eating right, exercising, getting the best sleep as I can (that's hard to do with little babies), and healing my mind and body from past trauma. I have been blown away with all I have learned and how it has literally saved my life.
I now feel like it is my responsibility to teach others what it took me so long to learn. There are too many people suffering mentally with hearing the same thing I heard 10 years ago, "we don't know why this happens, but here's a medication that should help". I want to end this! Our mental health and wellbeing doesn't JUST happen (for most of us). Our bodies are put under a toxic burned and become so inflamed and on fire that our brains literally freak out and cause ourselves to live in this constant state of depression or anxiousness. Now, more than ever, our small kids are dealing with these feelings as well. Instead of enjoying their childhood carefree and careless, they are stuck home with constant tummy aches because of the fear and anxiety their little bodies are feeling because there's too much inflammation for their brains to allow them to calm down and relax.
Why Follow Along?
I want to work with you and your family to help you heal from our toxic and burdensome world by teaching you how to recognize what foods and products are healing and nourishing vs what foods cause inflammation and have low nutritional value. The best part is, it is extremely doable, it doesn't have to be expensive, and IT WORKS!
Follow along to learn more about healing our bodies and minds. Sign up for a free consultation or plan to get customized help! Share my page with friends and family who may also enjoy learning about the ties between nutrition and healing!
I would love to hear from you!
Please leave comments below on what you think. I would love to hear about your experience reading from my journey and learning from the free education I have to offer!
Let me be your guide
Schedule below for a free consultation where I will answer all questions regarding my nutrition programs and how I can help you and your family obtain better health.
This is so cool! Thanks for sharing your story! I have traveled a similar path and back you up 100% with nutrition. So excited to talk with you!